[doap-interest] DOAP + OpenID + PURL = doapurl.org

Stuart Yeates stuart.yeates at oucs.ox.ac.uk
Thu Dec 13 09:22:49 GMT 2007

Rob Cakebread wrote:
> Stuart Yeates wrote:
>> I'm not sure about the over-all merits of having a DOAP specific
>> PURL server. I had imagined that in the long-term most DOAP would be
>> published automatically by code repositories and project websites as
>> a by-product of their core activities, in much the same way the
>> blogs and planets publish RSS and OPML. I had imagined that DOAP
>> would be found via micro-formats, standard buttons or see-also type
>> headers, also like RSS and OPML.
>> Projects are found either using the regular web and these
>> mechanisms, via project dependency metadata, via the project
>> catalogues of code repositories.
>> Having a master list of DOAP files sounds great, but it sounds a
>> little like you're recreating DNS in RDF...
> That's what I imagine and am hoping for too. But how do we convince
> SourceForge and developers in general to use DOAP when there aren't
> many tools to use it yet? Until people can find a single DOAP record
> for the exact project they are searching for, what's going to
> motivate people to adopt DOAP?

I think that the easy of inter-operability is going to be the big
factor in the take up of DOAP.

In the Apache case, they needed a standard format for project
information that could be used to generate a project catalogue. See

Eclipse looks like it may be moving to something similar for similar
reasons (see http://www.eclipse.org/proposals/kepler/). I'm not sure
whether they're going to end up using RDF/DOAP, but I'm pretty sure
what they end up with will be transformable to DOAP relatively easily.

> I really don't intend this PURL resolver to be anything but a starting
> point for some simple tools so we can start finding DOAP easily today,
> until everything is 'DOAP-enabled'.
> I patiently await the day all the big 'forges' use DOAP, but then we
> still need tools that create DOAP for developers who self-host. Tools
> like MOAP[1], which we'll need a heck of a lot more of.
> How would a command-line tool search for DOAP without some kind
> of DNS for DOAP? Lets say you have a tool that knows how to search
> Trac and Bugzilla and we want to modify our cool tool to figure out the
> URL of the bug-tracker using DOAP.
> Here's how I figure a Gentoo Linux user, for example,
> would use this tool. Users know the package as
> dev-ruby/libfoo so they use a command-line client like so:
> bugcli dev-ruby/libfoo <bug # etc.>
> The client looks in Gentoo's database of ebuilds, gets
> the homepage, then queries someplace like doapstore.org for any
> DOAP that has the same homepage or old-homepage and returns
> the DOAP, and the bug tracker URL is extracted and shown to the user.
> The problem I found in implementing this is that a package maintainer
> may be lazy and just put http://kde.org/ for a homepage url, which
> of course isn't specific enough, so package maintainers will have
> to learn to be very careful when refering to homepages. If
> it's hosted on SourceForge, a homepage like
> http://sf.net/projects/libfoo won't help us find DOAP when the
> package actually has a 'real' homepage hosted on example.com.
> Another problem with this method is the tool will need a plugin
> for each packaging system out there to figure out the homepage
> from a well-known package name.
> One more problem. If you query doapstore.org by homepage, you may get
> multiple DOAP records for the same project, from different sources.
> PyPI[2] for example creates a DOAP file for each release of a package.
> I don't think PyPI is doing DOAP correctly, they should just
> have a single file, but the damage is already done as far as a big DOAP
> triple store that spiders 'all' DOAP go, unless they monitor and
> manually figure out which DOAP to present. We need to have some type of
> way to find the 'one true' maintainer's DOAP. This is

Thank you for the description Rob. I now have a much better idea of
what it is you're trying to do.

>> Might something like a semantic wiki[1] not be easier to enable
>> projects hosted in obscure places to be reached by semantic web
>> crawlers?
> I'll take another look at that, but I don't see how we could use it
> for people to easily create clients to find specific DOAP using
> a library or tool.

Semantic wikis have RDF query interfaces and a suitable query should
allow you to map from a (potentially out of date) project URL to a
current project URL.

It also has the benefit that already has a tried and proven
solutions for things like maintainership, spammers, trolls, etc.
Also the wider audience makes the data more accessible to
serendipitous use.

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