[doap-interest] Auditing Releases

Robert Burrell Donkin robertburrelldonkin at blueyonder.co.uk
Sat Aug 30 21:24:22 CEST 2008

On Thu, 2008-08-28 at 19:48 -0400, James Howison wrote:


> Would this vocabulary be useful:
> http://downlode.org/Code/RDF/File_Properties/

i think so 

thanks :-)

> There's also dc:format which takes mime-types as it's recommended  
> content (although you'd still need to create a resource to act as the  
> subject)

yes, an url would be required for the subject. the artifacts are
available online and a permanent resource lookup would be available (for
example http://archives.apache.org/incubator/wicket/wicket-x.y.z.tar.gz)
but the preferred access mechanism is through mirrored download. so it
might be a better to use an URIS which doesn't allow resource retrieval
(http://incubator.apache.org/audit/releases#wicket-x.y.z.tar.gz, say).

> These guys defined their own checksum property:
> http://gnomoradio.org/artists/metafile.php
> I'm pretty sure that one can't use mime-types in the way suggested  
> earlier:
> <rdf:Description rdf:about="http://example.com/build-product-1.2.3.zip">
>    <rdfs:label mime-type="x-sha1-checksum">1234567890ABCDEF</rdfs:label>
> </rdf:Description>
> For one thing the range of rdfs:label is rdfs:Literal, so probably  
> you'd have to be creating a custom typed Literal to use mime-types in  
> that way.  Creating another resource, the checksum, and then  
> describing that as having a certain mime-type, seems the way to go to  
> me.

i suppose that a blank node could be used but it does seem a little

- robert

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