[doap-interest] doapspace.org website

Sergio Fernandez sergio at wikier.org
Tue Jul 21 13:34:49 CEST 2009

On Tue, 2009-07-21 at 00:06 -1000, myriam leggieri wrote:
> (...) since 2 weeks I'm trying unsuccessfully to access the website
> doapspace.org.
It works fine for me. 

Added in CC its author (Alexandre Passant). You can directly ask him
about your problems accessig the service.

BTW, there are other similar services, such as DOAPspace [1] (also
offline since some weeks) or RDFohloh [2], that could be useful for your


[1] http://doapspace.org/
[2] http://rdfohloh.wikier.org/

__      ___ _   _           
\ \    / (_) |_(_)___ _ _   
 \ \/\/ /| | / / / -_) '_|  Sergio Fernández
  \_/\_/ |_|_\_\_\___|_|    http://www.wikier.org/

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