[doap-interest] wherefore art though, dependencies?

Robert Collins robertc at robertcollins.net
Tue Sep 1 00:38:09 CEST 2009

So, I see that project dependencies are still a TODO?

Edd, you've said you want to clone Debians facilities into DOAP. I think
this would be a mistake: Debians build and runtime dependencies serve
three different masters, only one of which is relevant for a given

I think its a great idea to be inspired from Debian's facilities, and to
permit Debian package metadata to start inheriting the upstream
dependencies from DOAP descriptions.

The three masters are:
 * Upstream requirements. 'I need a C compiler to build, I work with any
   python > 2.3, I need an implementation of ISCM, I need an MTA'
 * Debian specific issues/translations of the above:
   - Deals with Epochs
   - Deals with library ABI bumps (that upstream may not have done or
     even be aware of - e.g. historically just changing the C++ compiler
     on the distro has caused this)
   - Deals with different names 'On Debian ISCM is known as IFooBar'
   - Deals with Debians split-out of a package. Building a package 
     generates many individual artifacts; Debian has very specific
     policies about how these should be placed on disk *and grouped*
     into downloadable .deb files. For instance, as an upstream I
     might not separate header files/static libraries and shared 
     libraries. Debian will however separate them into different
     named debs, and thus the dependencies for a package that needs
     the headers are named accordingly.
 * Debian packaging requirements:
   - This package must be unpacked on disk before this other package
   - Remove some 3rd package before building this package because we
     choose not to support some autodetected option
   - Installing this new release of the package breaks the shared
     library of the prior binary package.

From an upstream perspective, I want my DOAP files to be simple and
unambiguous. If I'm using library FOO, its sufficient to say I'm using
it, not that I require its header files to build.

I'd like declaring dependencies to be something around about as simple
   <Project rdf:about="http://python.org">

"my project depends on python."

The debian dependency system is also a bit less than ideal due to having
grown. Specifically things that should be orthogonal are squashed into
the same dimenson. IMNSHO, YMMV, etc.

Some sort of algebra will be needed to represent dependencies on 'A and
B' - this usually shows up for optional features.

So, define a group of projects somehow, with version relations within
the group: << <= == >= >> !=

A Project Foo->ProjectGroup Bar dependency-relationship has:

A time:
 * build
 * test
 * run
 * supply

It has an presence:
 * Must
 * Should
 * Could
 * Cannot

Together we get:
'To ${time} Foo correctly, ${Bar} ${presence} be present.'

Supply may not be obvious - Its there for Enhances. E.g. 'To supply
vimperator correctly, firefox should be present'

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