foaf & genealogy

Danny Ayers danny666 at v...
Sun Dec 1 11:06:18 UTC 2002

I just spotted a post on the GenealogyXML at list suggesting
Topic Maps for genealogy data. RDF *should* be really good for this, with
the one possible difficulty being how to manage the "the gravestone says he
died in 2003" kind of data given the state of contexts & reification.

I reckon the bits needed for simple genealogy should sit very nicely
alongside FOAF, and it would allow the foafnaut to do families too.

A quick Google doesn't find much - there is an old DAML vocab at

also RDF to GEDCOM ...

(fyi, I know close to nothing about gen. - I just thought family trees would
make a good example use of SVG for 'Unleashed', but it started getting too
big to fit in the space)


Danny Ayers

Semantic Web Log :

"The lyf so short, the craft so long to lerne." - Chaucer

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