[rdfweb-dev] FOAF and Protege

Neil Ernst nernst at u...
Sun Dec 15 21:25:31 UTC 2002

Hi Szymek,
Yes, I've tried it. I spent a few days attempting to get Protégé to
load the various schema files (FOAF, RDFS, WOT etc) in order to
facilitate instance creation. My vision was for the user to create an
instance by selecting various properties and classes from these schema
visually. Queries could then be done with Protégé itself. The other
advantage would be that I could use Jambalaya (shrimp.cs.uvic.ca) to
visualize my data and schema. However, I had great difficulty getting
Protégé to load other schema in, and to then refer to them properly.
For example, should I load the schema itself into Protégé and then refer
to it in my project as an included ontology? Or should I just leave it
and name my properties as defined in an outside schema (the fudge-it
method). Due to time constraints, I've decided to create instance files
using a modified version of FOAF-a-Matic - a web form tied to Jena.
This involves a lot of developer-side work but should make it easier for
the end user to input data.

Anyway, the short answer would be, yes, I've tried, but I don't think
the tool support for RDF is there just yet. However, I gather the team
is actively working on this.  

I’m curious to hear what your experiences are.
Neil Ernst
University of Victoria

-----Original Message-----
From: Szymek Madejczyk [mailto:smad at i...] 
Sent: December 15, 2002 11:11
To: rdfweb-dev at yahoogroups.com
Subject: [rdfweb-dev] FOAF and Protege


Has someone tried to use Protege to store, edit or query FOAF
information ?


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