Getty (couple of other details)

The Emperor <the_emperor at m...> the_emperor at m...
Sun Dec 22 17:26:44 UTC 2002

--- In rdfweb-dev at, "jamescarlyle <jamescarlyle at t...>" 
<jamescarlyle at t...> wrote:
> Even if the data itself can't be licensed, could the TGN be used in 
> e.g. FOAF as a controlled vocabulary of places by referring to the 
> geog_key in RDF statements?
Would it be a better idea to build an open source location so it 
could be used in a WordNet kind of way? Start off by sketching out 
the large units like countries and (in some areas states, etc.) and 
then if people wanted to use it and their location wasn't listed then 
they could add it and contribute to the building up of a 
comprehensive resource. It would then be possible to drill further 
down in location and identify buildings and streets (zip, postal 
code, etc.?) if you so wanted.

It should be possible to draw up the idea and pitch it to SourceForge:

They give you a MySQL database and we'd really only need one table 
with 8 or 9 fields. I could easily knock up something to do this - 
the main work would be in drawing up the project details and deciding 
on the information that would be required.

It could possibly be tied into other information like this Open 
Source set of maps:

Just an idea ;)


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