[rdfweb-dev] XSLTs for FOAF, Spring v1.3.1 and plans for FOAF spec improvements

Julian Bond julian_bond at voidstar.com
Thu Jul 24 13:42:35 UTC 2003

Leigh Dodds <ldodds at ingenta.com> wrote:
>This may fit with different kinds of uses of FOAF documents: the majority I've
>seen so far are individual people describing themselves, their 
>relationships and
>their work. But, IIRC the ecademy FOAF exports included multiple people.

Only a month late reading this!

No, Ecademy FOAF only describes a single person. But one with lots of 
foaf:knows, each containing a name, mbox_sha1sum and seeAlso. The 
intention is as for most other foaf files. To provide detail about one 
person and lots of links to their friends and friend's foaf files.

Julian Bond Email&MSM: julian.bond at voidstar.com
Webmaster:              http://www.ecademy.com/
Personal WebLog:       http://www.voidstar.com/
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