[rdfweb-dev] foaf:email -> foaf:mbox

Dan Brickley danbri at w3.org
Sat Jul 26 11:09:40 UTC 2003

Hi Ben,

FOAF cleanup squad calling... Our robots report that you're using 
the fictitious foaf:email property when you could be enjoying the 
more traditional foaf:mbox property instead.  Also you'll feel better 
for a mailto: prefix in there, 
ie. <foaf:email rdf:resource="Steiny at barrysworld.com" />
should be <foaf:mbox rdf:resource="mailto:Steiny at barrysworld.com" />

Libby's handy FOAF aggregator stats gadget at 
lists a bunch of URLs, mostly yours, where foaf:email appears as a
predicate. Any chance you could fix these (they look to be
script-generated) before the rumour spreads and other sites copy from
your example? 

Am copying the FOAF list not to name and shame, but in case others have 
used foaf:email instead of foaf:mbox too. 



ps. also foaf:person should be foaf:Person; in general we use upper-case 
initial letter for classes/types of thing in FOAF, while everything else
begins lower case.

pps. I realise people are copying some rather bad markup from my own
FOAF file, will get that fixed up too... Mine is the worst ever as I've been
using it as a testbed / scratchpad for 3 years... oopsie, must fix...

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