[rdfweb-dev] [Bug 15] PGP key vocabulary not documented or in schema

Morten Frederiksen mof-rdf at mfd-consult.dk
Sun Jul 27 08:09:28 UTC 2003

Dan Brickley <danbri at w3.org> wrote:
><Cardinal> Hmm.  Has a property for public pgp key ever been suggested?
><danbri> yes, i've been using it from the start... darn, another one that never
>made it into the schema...
>* Cardinal ahs.
><danbri> http://rdfweb.org/people/danbri/rdfweb/danbri-foaf.rdf  <pubkeyAddress
> rdf:resource="http://rdfweb.org/people/danbri/danbri-pubkey.txt"/>
><danbri> nothing for inlining the pubkey though
There's a pubkeyAddress in the wot namespace, although it says that
it's for the "location of the public key used to sign the present

I have been using this for a while, as I'm sure others have, and I see
no reason that the description couldn't be relaxed to be able to relate
a key to a person.

Also, I see no need for an inline version, since verification will take
place outside the RDF model anyway.


Morten Frederiksen
A door is what a dog is perpetually on the wrong side of.
<URL: http://xml.mfd-consult.dk/foaf/explorer/?foaf=morten.rdf >

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