[rdfweb-dev] The inverse of depicts

Norman Walsh ndw at nwalsh.com
Fri Apr 1 00:54:00 UTC 2005

On IRC today, I was reminded that the right way to express depicts is,
for example:

<rdf:Description rdf:about="someURI">

And that's fine as far as it goes, but I also want to be able to
collect together depictions. I want to express the inverse of this
relationship: foaf:depiction.

When I was misusing rdf:resource, like so:

  <foaf:depicts rdf:resource="http://xmlns.com/wordnet/1.6/Snowman"/>

I could construct the inverse with a couple of n3 rules:

  { ?p foaf:depicts ?q } => { ?q foaf:depiction ?p } .
  { ?p foaf:depiction ?q } => { ?q foaf:depicts ?p } .

What's the right way to express (and construct) the inverse now that
I'm doing it "right"?

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <ndw at nwalsh.com> | CNN is one of the participants in the
http://nwalsh.com/            | war. I have a fantasy where Ted Turner
                              | is elected president but refuses
                              | because he doesn't want to give up
                              | power.--Arthur C. Clark
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