[redland-dev] ANNOUNCEMENT: Redland RDF Library Language Bindings

Roman Bischoff roman.bischoff at googlemail.com
Fri May 18 08:13:53 BST 2007

Hi Dave,

Yes there are people with interest in Python language bindings.
The problem is rather the skills and time needed to help with the language


2007/5/6, Dave Beckett <dave at dajobe.org>:
> Hash: SHA1
> This is the last release of redland-bindings in this form.
> After this version, the bindings will be per-language and will
> drop languages with no maintainer as I described in
> http://lists.usefulinc.com/pipermail/redland-dev/2007-February/001515.html
> So far I'm the only one looking after bindings therefore these live:
>   perl (me - using it in demos and with http://triplr.org/ )
>   php5 (me - using it at Yahoo!)
> and these die:
>   C#
>   Java
>   objective C
>   Python(*maybe me*)
>   Ruby
>   tcl
> unless there are volunteers.  I have been getting regular
> patches for Python and Ruby so I'm hoping there are enough
> people with interest in at least those.
> Cheers
> Dave
> - ------------
>             Redland RDF Library Language Bindings
>                      http://librdf.org/bindings/
> Redland is a C library that provides a high-level interface for RDF
> allowing the RDF graph to be parsed from XML, stored, queried and
> manipulated.  Redland implements each of the RDF concepts in its own
> class via an object based API, reflected into language bindings in
> C#, Java, Obj-C, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby and Tcl provided by this
> package.
> This is the first release tracking Redland 1.0.6.  The Redland C
> libraries must be installed before Redland Bindings can be used.  The
> Redland releases can be found at http://librdf.org/
> The main changes in this version since the last release 2006-05-05 are:
> * Synchronise with Redland 1.0.6
> * Many updates to the Python and Ruby bindings
> * Many other bug fixes addressing Issues #0000121, #0000140,
>    #0000147, #0000166, #0000170, #0000171 and #0000172.
> For full details see the Redland Language Bindings release notes
> at
>   http://librdf.org/bindings/RELEASE.html#rel1_0_6_1
> The release consists of the full sources, source and binary RPM
> packages for x86 Fedora Core 6.  Binary deb packages for Debian
> unstable will be available shortly via the standard debian archive
> shortly and are on download.librdf.org now.
> The sources and binaries are also available from the Redland
> SourceForge mirror site at http://sourceforge.net/projects/librdf/
> The http://librdf.org/ site lets you browse and check out the latest
> version of the sources in Subversion and try out Redland in various
> demos as part of Redland such as Triplr http://triplr.org/
> Issues should be reported to http://bugs.librdf.org/
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> =3D5bWW
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