[doap-interest] RELEASE: MOAP 0.2.5 'Matonge'

thomas at apestaart.org thomas at apestaart.org
Sun Jun 24 22:03:35 BST 2007

This mail announces the release of MOAP 0.2.5 'Matonge'.

MOAP is a swiss army knife for project maintainers and developers.
It aims to help in keeping you in the flow of maintaining, developing and
releasing, automating whatever tasks can be automated.

It allows you to parse DOAP files and submit releases, send release mails,
create iCal files and RSS feeds, maintain version control ignore lists,
check in based on the latest ChangeLog entry, and more.
For more information, see http://thomas.apestaart.org/moap/trac/
To file bugs, go to http://thomas.apestaart.org/moap/trac/newticket
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This is MOAP 0.2.5, "Matonge".

Coverage in 0.2.5: 1039/1393 (74 %), 75 python tests, 2 bash tests

Features added since 0.2.4:
- added support for dc:description in .doap files to list the release's features- added bugzilla implementation for moap bug and moap doap bug
- added better support for detecting exuberant ctags
- added support for filing bugs for missing dependencies/distros
- added Bazaar and Git backend for version control system features
- added "moap changelog contributors" to get a list of contributors to a release- changed default behaviour for "moap changelog prepare" to not extract tags
- added -c, --ctags option to "moap changelog prepare" to extract tags
- added "help" command to "moap" and all its subcommands

Bugs fixed since 0.2.4:
- 240: no help command
- 241: build failure on ubuntu fisty
- 243: add bzr vcs backend
- 248: DEP: Cheetah, Ubuntu 7.04
- 250: Fixes for exuberant ctags checks
- 252: moap cl prepare yields a traceback
- 254: make fails if moap not in PATH
- 255: [patch] --no-ctags option for cl prepare command

Contributors to this release:
- Andy Wingo
- Edward Hervey
- Philippe Normand
- Thomas Vander Stichele

MOAP is a swiss army knife for project maintainers and developers.
It aims to help in keeping you in the flow of maintaining, developing and
releasing, automating whatever tasks can be automated.

It allows you to parse DOAP files and submit releases, send release mails,
create iCal files and RSS feeds, maintain version control ignore lists,
check in based on the latest ChangeLog entry, and more.
For more information, see http://thomas.apestaart.org/moap/trac/

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