[gnome-bluetooth] What stuff in gnome-bluetooth does, and ideas for its future

Fredrik Noring noring at nocrew.org
Tue Feb 3 00:01:31 GMT 2004


> At the moment the BlueZ hcid has control of this. We need a way of 
> finding out for which bdaddrs it has a key. /.../ Well, that, and 
> the ability to delete a link key.

This works with the hcid DBus now ...

> Currently this information is stored in /etc/bluetooth/link_key and 
> readable only by root, so we've some progress to make there.

... but the root issue is still true. Any ideas for an auth scheme
that's convenient and works properly with DBus?

> IMHO BlueZ currently gets things wrong by letting you set an all-time
> PIN.  The PINs really ought to be one-time, retrieved dynamically at
> pair time. Most phones work this way.

What about the PIN helper in hcid?


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