[phpxmlrpc] Re: Script working on 1.0.1 but not on 1.0.99

Andres Salomon dilinger@voxel.net
Fri, 10 Jan 2003 14:54:19 -0500

This is a known problem (parseRequest() returns a -1 if the errno is 0),
and will be fixed in  I hope to release that over the weekend.  

On Fri, 10 Jan 2003 18:46:01 +0100, Alex Pagnoni wrote:

> Hi all,
> the 1.0.99 xmlrpc release doesn't work for me, while the previous ones worked 
> ok. Here follow a simple script, if you run it with the 1.0.1 release the 
> reply passes the xmlrpc_resp::FaultCode() check, while in 1.0.99 one it 
> doesn't.
> Ideas?
> Here's the test script:
> <?php
> include( 'xmlrpc.inc' );
> $xmlrpc_client = new XmlRpc_Client( '/xmlrpc.php', 'www.syndic8.com', '80' );
> echo "Start\n";
> $xmlrpc_message = new XmlRpcMsg( 'syndic8.FindFeeds', array( new XmlRpcVal( 
> 'amiga', 'string' ) ) );
> $xmlrpc_resp = $xmlrpc_client->Send( $xmlrpc_message );
> echo "Sent\n";
> if ( $xmlrpc_resp )
> {
>     echo "Received reply\n";
>     if ( !$xmlrpc_resp->FaultCode() )
>     {
>         echo "Reply is ok\n";
>         $result = xmlrpc_decode( $xmlrpc_resp->Value() );
>         print_r( $result );
>     }
> }
> ?>