[phpxmlrpc] Dilema

Tomislav Petrovic tpetrovic at envox-lab.hr
Fri Jun 6 10:11:06 BST 2003

I'm starting a project which will use XML-RPC
from PHP...
I have two possibilities, use:
1. XML-RPC for PHP (the one to which this
    list belongs to :) ) written entiraly in PHP
2. XMLRPC-EPI-PHP written in C but PHP
    comes with support for it starting from version
    4.1.0 I think...

Can anyone tell me good and bad sides of
both products...
I am newbie for XML-RPC so any help is
I have been using PHP for quite some time 
(5+ years).

Thank you in advance.

tpetrovic at envox-lab.hr

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