Redland transactions API (was Re: [redland-dev] Perl/BDB question: atomicity and transactions question)

Dave Beckett dave.beckett at
Fri Jan 14 06:03:44 PST 2005

i found my earlier thoughts on transactions, tidied them up.

Transactions ideas and API for redland storages

For Sleepycat / BerkleyDB alone

All redland storages have options which can be used by any of the
store implementations.  It would be quite easy to add a
bdb-transactions='yes' option which could be used by the hashes storage
(rdf_hashes_storage.c) when it tries to open a hash.  This calls
librdf_hash_open (rdf_hash.c) with the same options passed to the
hash implementations such as the BDB hash (rdf_hash_bdb.c) where the
actual BDB open is done, in librdf_hash_bdb_open and there a small
patch would allow the DB_TXN or whatever to be added to the flags for
bdb->open / bdb->set_flags.

The other way, passing down an (existing) BDB DB_TXN transaction
handle, that would mean modifying the APIs.  Unless you did it at
open time using the bdb-transactions='0x234567' with some C pointer.
Which is pretty ugly.

More general API

I was thinking about transaction support, and however you do it
internally, it is a good idea to allow the users to explicitly
request it from the system.  I've got a sketch of the API calls that
would be needed at the user level, so here goes, in pseudo code:

class model {
  int transaction_start()
  int transaction_start_with_handle(void* handle)
  int transaction_commit()
  int transaction_abort()
  int transaction_rollback()
  void* transaction_get_handle()

So what is a handle?  A store-specific transaction pointer that you
can use if you know what you are doing.

Here's an example of when you know the store provides Sleepycat
DB_TXN, and you'd do

  storage=new hashes_storage (hash-type='bdb', transactions='yes')
  model=new model_storage(storage)


  DB_TXN tx=(DB_TXN)model.transaction_get_handle()
  ... commit other stuff using tx ...

  DB_TXN tx;
  ... init tx ...
  ... commit other stuff with tx ...
  ... delete TX ...

I'm not sure if you'd really want to pass it in at redland
transaction start time, but it seems plausible.

For a SQL-backed store, it'd be something similar, however you'd
likely not get the internal handle directly but just use the

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