[redland-dev] ANNOUNCEMENT: Redland RDF Library Language Bindings

Dave Beckett dave at dajobe.org
Tue May 22 06:18:04 BST 2007

Roman Bischoff wrote:
> Hi Dave,
> Yes there are people with interest in Python language bindings.
> The problem is rather the skills and time needed to help with the
> language bindings...

My problem is having the skills and the time for ALL of the languages.

If you want to work on the python bindings, you mostly just need
python skills since SWIG does the rest.  Unless you want to ditch
SWIG and write it all yourself.

My only request/strong suggestion for python bindings is to avoid
distutils since it really works very badly for shared libraries
and I struggled for years with the python bindings using it.


> Rgds,
> Roman
> 2007/5/6, Dave Beckett <dave at dajobe.org <mailto:dave at dajobe.org>>:
> This is the last release of redland-bindings in this form.
> After this version, the bindings will be per-language and will
> drop languages with no maintainer as I described in
> http://lists.usefulinc.com/pipermail/redland-dev/2007-February/001515.html
> So far I'm the only one looking after bindings therefore these live:
>   perl (me - using it in demos and with http://triplr.org/ )
>   php5 (me - using it at Yahoo!)
> and these die:
>   C#
>   Java
>   objective C
>   Python(*maybe me*)
>   Ruby
>   tcl
> unless there are volunteers.  I have been getting regular
> patches for Python and Ruby so I'm hoping there are enough
> people with interest in at least those.
> Cheers
> Dave
> ------------
>             Redland RDF Library Language Bindings
> <>
>                      http://librdf.org/bindings/
> Redland is a C library that provides a high-level interface for RDF
> allowing the RDF graph to be parsed from XML, stored, queried and
> manipulated.  Redland implements each of the RDF concepts in its own
> class via an object based API, reflected into language bindings in
> C#, Java, Obj-C, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby and Tcl provided by this
> package.
> This is the first release tracking Redland 1.0.6.  The Redland C
> libraries must be installed before Redland Bindings can be used.  The
> Redland releases can be found at http://librdf.org/ <http://librdf.org/>
> The main changes in this version since the last release 2006-05-05 are:
> * Synchronise with Redland 1.0.6
> * Many updates to the Python and Ruby bindings
> * Many other bug fixes addressing Issues #0000121, #0000140,
>    #0000147, #0000166, #0000170, #0000171 and #0000172.
> For full details see the Redland Language Bindings
> <> release notes at
>    http://librdf.org/bindings/RELEASE.html#rel1_0_6_1
> The release consists of the full sources, source and binary RPM
> packages for x86 Fedora Core 6.  Binary deb packages for Debian
> unstable will be available shortly via the standard debian archive
> shortly and are on download.librdf.org <http://download.librdf.org> now.
> The sources and binaries are also available from the Redland
> SourceForge mirror site at http://sourceforge.net/projects/librdf/
> The http://librdf.org/ site lets you browse and check out the latest
> version of the sources in Subversion and try out Redland in various
> demos as part of Redland such as Triplr http://triplr.org/
> Issues should be reported to http://bugs.librdf.org/

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