.NET CLR DOAP (was Re: [doap-interest] Bug: doap:os)

Niel Bornstein nbornstein at gmail.com
Mon Aug 9 18:28:08 BST 2004

On Thu, 05 Aug 2004 10:34:06 +0100, Edd Dumbill <edd at usefulinc.com> wrote:
> Niel Bornstein's written some code for .NET which adds the missing DOAP
> attributes into an assembly and can then generate the DOAP file by
> reflection on the assembly itself.  So the software ships with DOAP
> information embedded.

I guess I've been de-lurked.  

As Edd said, I've started to write some code that will let you embed
DOAP information in a CLR assembly. The code, which is very much a
work in progress, is in SVN at

The following AssemblyInfo.cs snippet contains some examples of how
the attributes will work. Note that not all of the attributes are
fully implemented yet.

[assembly: Doap.Attributes.BugDatabaseAttribute("")]
[assembly: Doap.Attributes.CreatedAttribute("July 23, 2004")]
[assembly: Doap.Attributes.HomepageAttribute("http://bornstein.atlanta.ga.us/niel/doap")]
[assembly: Doap.Attributes.LicenseAttribute("")]
[assembly: Doap.Attributes.MailingListAttribute("http://lists.usefulinc.com/mailman/listinfo/doap-interest")]
[assembly: Doap.Attributes.MaintainerAttribute("")]
[assembly: Doap.Attributes.ReleaseAttribute("unstable", "2004-07-23", "0.1")]
[assembly: Doap.Attributes.ScreenshotsAttribute("")]
[assembly: Doap.Attributes.ShortDescriptionAttribute("")]

There's also a DoapWriter.exe that reflects on an assembly and
produces a DOAP file with this information. It also uses the standard
.NET assembly attributes (AssemblyTitle, AssemblyDescription, etc)
where appropriate.

Any comments are welcome.


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