[doap-interest] RDFohloh

Sergio Fernández sergio at wikier.org
Tue May 6 22:28:22 BST 2008

> No "contains" pattern in your search? I ask becuase "oat" [1] and 
> "Virtuoso" [2] do not return query results whereas Ohloh or DOAPSpace 
> return data etc..

Yes, it's in the roadmap from the beginning of the project. I've
implemented basic support for searches, so I'll deploy it when I'll have
some time to test it.


__      ___ _   _           
\ \    / (_) |_(_)___ _ _   
 \ \/\/ /| | / / / -_) '_|  Sergio Fernández
  \_/\_/ |_|_\_\_\___|_|    http://www.wikier.org/

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