indicating meta and type?

Bill Kearney wkearney99 at h...
Fri Dec 6 23:32:09 UTC 2002

I asked DanBri about this a week ago. How could an element be constructed for
foaf that allowed some flexibility on the type of data presented?

This started as a question about how to add a 'generic' type of element for
indicating instant messenger accounts. Using one for AIM, one for Yahoo, one
for MSN, Jabber, etc, would be a real mistake. But not all of them use a
predictable mailto: like URL protocol. Some do, most don't.

So I'm thinking this has potential for other metadata.

<foaf:meta type="URI">value</foaf:meta>

I'm not in an RDF-savvy mood so forgive the obvious neglect of RDF-ness. But
I'm thinking this would give a handy way to express extensible bits of metadata
without having to alter the foaf namespace for them. The key, of course, would
be having a predictable set of URI indicating well-known services. This is
certainly trodding a parallel path to MIME typing and the like. Regardless, the
need seems to exist. What's the consensus on how to solve it?

-Bill Kearney

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