
The Emperor <the_emperor at m...> the_emperor at m...
Fri Dec 13 16:53:01 UTC 2002

> wow, that's a lot of foaf!

Its around 620+ although I am discussing FOAFing a larger community.

> welcome to the list :)
Thanks :)

> re your question about comunity vocabularies, I don't know of any, 
> it certainly sounds useful. If you outline the sorts of things
> you'd need, maybe we could work it into a vocabulary on the list. Or
> maybe someone else knows of something....?
Good question - dragging some thoughts together and basing it on the 
FOAFCorp document (and using a community namespace - comm):

<comm:Community comm:name="My community">
<comm:homepage >
<Document dc:title="My community" 
web:about="http://www.community.com/" /> 


<rdfs:seeAlso rdf:resource="http://domain.com/foaf.rdf" />

<rdfs:seeAlso rdf:resource="http://domain.com/foaf.rdf" />

<rdfs:seeAlso rdf:resource="http://domain.com/foaf.rdf" />

<rdfs:seeAlso rdf:resource="http://domain.com/foaf.rdf" />


<rdfs:seeAlso rdf:resource="http://domain.com/foaf.rdf" />

<rdfs:seeAlso rdf:resource="http://domain.com/foaf.rdf" />



Probably throw in a community description and I would be interested 
if there was a way to say whether the user database authenticates the 
email which might also be an important aspect of establihing trust, 
etc. I'm sure there are other things but a lot of details about the 
site can be displayed in a RSS 1.x site information page - like the 
one I've quickly knocked together here:


actually it might be helpful to also have a tag linking to the 
site_index information.

I'll have more of a thought about extra information to describe the 
community like the community's focus (playing games, swapping jokes, 


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