[rdfweb-dev] Friendster

Leigh Dodds leigh at l...
Wed Dec 18 16:24:12 UTC 2002

> But what about something slightly less intrusive, such as a simple
> application that notified an existing FOAF publisher that someone else
> had nominated them as a friend and would they like to reciprocate?

Not sure if this is what you mean, but I'm intending to add a "Notify
Friends" feature to the FOAF-a-Matic Mark 2 which will allow you to
email those people you're listing as friends to let them know that

a. you're created a FOAF description, and
b. you've listed them


Hoping to get beta-1 of FOAF-a-Matic Mark 2 (which won't include this,
just basic FOAF editing and export; import, etc to follow) out the door by



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