[rdfweb-dev] mini foaf meet 4th Jan London?

Julian Bond julian_bond at v...
Tue Dec 31 17:33:23 UTC 2002

Libby Miller <libby.miller at b...> wrote:
>I think Jo suggested a meet a while back (I can't find the message...).
>I think it's a great idea, and I think that a bunch of us can make it in
>the afternoon/evening. Apologies to those for whom the prospect isn't
>worth the plane ride...
>So, does anyone have any good ideas for a location/pub? (with wireless?)

I'll try and be there. Just name a time and place. I don't yet have a 
good solution to a location with WiFi except possibly the IOD and I'm 
not a member.

Julian Bond Email&MSM: julian.bond at v...
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