Welcome, and some comments (was RE: [rdfweb-dev] hey)

Leigh Dodds ldodds at ingenta.com
Thu Jul 3 15:55:13 UTC 2003

OK lets work through some of the questions. You may need to
clarify a few things for me:

> 	- new user joins - by creating a FOAF file and posting it
> somewhere
> 		- #1 perspective #1 - there doesn’t seem to be ONE way
> to structure the URL.  Am I wrong about that?
> 		- wouldn’t having ONE way to do a URL be easier-simpler
> - or am I being naïve?

Are you asking "at what URL should I post my FOAF document?". If so
then answer is "it doesn't matter", as long as its on the public web thats fine.

There have been suggestions of using a standard naming convention of
"foaf.rdf" for the file -- so then we can use Google as another way to find
FOAF documents.

But thats not a requirement.

> 	- embeds blog with FOAF pointer
> 		- what's the right place to do this? The Home/Blog page?
> Or the 'About me' page?   Or both?

Anywhere. I'd recommend the home page, and possibly as an extension
to that "whereever you've linked to your RSS file, link to your FOAF".

http://www.tecknik.net/autofoaf/ says to add the Autodiscovery link
to your home page.

Lots of people are using the little FOAF icons to link to their FOAF, just
like they link to their RSS feed.

> 		- I find it frustrating using FOAf Explorer to select
> the bookmarklet and get nothing - from RDF nerd pages  which I KNOW have
> FOAF in there - somewhere.

There was a bug in the bookmarklet I originally posted, due to some
Javascript glitches. Morten fixed this recently, and I updated my original
to use the same changes this week. Can you retest with the latest bookmarklet?

> 		- I'm excited about the upcoming FOAF-a-matic mark2 -
> and not just because my name is Marc Canter

The reason its taking so long is I'm thinking about the UI.

> 		- Haven't found example of a two level friend network
> yet.....
> 		- I know that's supposed to happen dynamically - but
> sure two, trhe, four degrees could/should get embedded in a file - no?
> 	- THEN I can sit down and design how WE'RE going to use
> FOAF.....

If I understand you, you're saying should/could we embed Leigh knows
Dan knows Libby knows Edd in a single FOAF document? (And I can
see why you're interested in this if you want to display it in an outliner)

IMHO the answer to that is: you _could_ (there's nothing in the RDF to
stop you) but I don't think you _should_. If you do then you're making
assertions about someone elses relationships. The correct mechanism is
to refer to their FOAF file with rdfs:seeAlso and the _tool_ should build
up the linkages.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>  Wiki page of proposed 'stable' features?

Sounds like a good start. Dan is busy this week, so lets see if we can push
forward the stability labelling next week.

> Re: interop between the different tools; where do you think that there
> are
> break downs between FOAF-a-Matic, FOAF Explorer and FOAFnaut? If
> you're (or somewhere you're linked with is) on the FOAFBulletinBoard
> then FOAFnaut
> should pick you up. If you have FOAF autodiscovery set up then
> FOAFExplorer can
> read your FOAF with the bookmarklet. If the instructions for what to do
> with the FOAF
> you generate with the FOAF-a-Matic aren't clear enough then _please_ let
> me know
> the problem areas and I'll improve it.
> >>>>>>>>>>>> within 12 hours..........

Do you mean FOAFnaut only reharvests every 12 hours? OK thats
something I think we can solve pretty quickly: Jim, how about a simple
"Ping FOAFnaut" bookmarklet? I know the form exists to resubmit something,
but presumably we can wrap that up in a bookmarklet to make it even

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>  Rather than documentation - I think what's in order are
> called 'usage scenarios'.  Specific step by step tutorials - taking no
> buzzwords, previous knowledge or insider poop - for granted.  Which can
> be utilized as documentation, training or marketing purposes.

This is all in the pipeline. I've been talking to Dan about the using the
weblog for this, harvesting content that people add to the Wiki.

btw, I still think it would be useful if you could dump some of your
questions/problems/usage scenarios in the Wiki.

> >>>>>>>>>>  I don’t have the perspective or knowledge to formulate an
> opinion about TypePad and FOAF. But I can tell yah from an end-users
> MARKET perspective - that the WAY TypePad uses FOAF - will be a taste in
> people's mouths that they'll never forget.

I can't find any details on the way TypePad uses FOAF, so I'm in the dark

> I'm just a 'call to action' kind of guy. No insult intended.

None taken. :)


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