[rdfweb-dev] Re: [syndication] seeAlso

Kevin A. Burton burton at newsmonster.org
Wed Jul 23 21:26:30 UTC 2003

Andy Powell wrote:

>On Wed, 23 Jul 2003, Dan Brickley wrote:
>>* Julian Bond <julian_bond at voidstar.com> [2003-07-23 08:00+0100]
>>>One of the powerful ideas in FOAF is the widespread use of rdfs:seeAlso
>>>Could this be usefully applied in RSS?
>>It can be used in any RDF-based format whenever you've mentioned
>>something and want to reference more (typically machine-processable, RDF)
>>info about it elsewhere in the Web.
>I assume that the semantics of seeAlso are pretty loose - i.e. you can use
>it to point to anything, some more RDF, some XML, an HTML page, a PDF file
>or whatever?  I.e. in some cases you are getting something
>machine-readable, in other cases you aren't.
>I have never understood why, in a semantically rich environment like RDF,
>one would want to use such semantically fuzzy properties.  Why not use a
>more precise property like 'additionalRDF' (a sub-property of seeAlso) if
>that is what you mean?
That is the problem I try to solve with the mod_link spec for RSS 1.0.  
It is hard to use ad hoc URLs in a distributed system without knowing 
what the document represents.  There are of course hacks to this system 
but if you don't have the media relationships "this if a FOAF file in 
RDF and in English" then it becomes hard to determine if you should use 
the resource.


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Kevin A. Burton, Location - San Francisco, CA, Cell - 415.595.9965
       AIM - sfburtonator,  Web - http://www.peerfear.org/
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