[rdfweb-dev] Which Person wrote this FOAF?

Leigh Dodds ldodds at ingenta.com
Tue Jul 29 11:30:32 UTC 2003

Not to disagree with any of the good points made already, I'd been 
thinking along the same lines myself for the FOAF-a-Matic. I'd 
thought about implementing the following algorithm:

1. try to find a foaf:maker, if found thats your person
2. otherwise try to find a dc:creator, if found thats your person
3. otherwise try to identify a person who isn't known by another else 
  in the graph generated from that FOAF file, if found thats your person
4. otherwise present a menu to say "which person?"

Step 3 relies on the pattern that Julian described in his original email: 
generally a main foaf:Person which foaf:knows a bunch of others. This 
is also the best equivalent to Morten's "first foaf:Person in document order" 
rule for FOAF Explorer. The whole algorithm relies on the fact that tools like 
FOAF-a-Matic, FOAF view, etc. are generally loading one graph and working 
with one person at a time.

However, it may just be easier to collapse 3 & 4 and always present a 
menu if there's no obvious creator.

I *think* this provides a way to handle the range of FOAF documents that 
are currently in the wild, whilst supporting the foaf:maker approach which 
is seems the best way forward.



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