[rdfweb-dev] Which Person wrote this FOAF?

Julian Bond julian_bond at voidstar.com
Tue Jul 29 11:54:59 UTC 2003

Leigh Dodds <ldodds at ingenta.com> wrote:
>is also the best equivalent to Morten's "first foaf:Person in document order"
>rule for FOAF Explorer.

Ah. I was getting overly worried by this in Ian's Parsing foaf with php 

"Iterators have a number of methods for traversing the triples, the most 
important of which are hasNext and next. hasNext returns true if there 
are any triples left in the iterator, while next returns the next triple 
in the sequence. Yes, the triples are in sequence but it's a random one 
and you can't tell in advance how the triples will be organised."

It does seem that RAP generally preserves document order in its 

Julian Bond Email&MSM: julian.bond at voidstar.com
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